‘App’rehensive: The Blurring Lines of Gaming/Gambling — and How to Protect Our Most Vulnerable
More than ever, problem gambling specialists need to be aware of technology and the issues that face populations from youth to those in recovery for addictions. Are youth at risk for disordered gambling by merely playing a free poker app? Is a person in recovery at risk by playing frequent, often excessive, online social games? We will talk about the convergence of gaming and gambling and its risks, and provide participants with practical, evidence-based information and tools that are relevant to our everyday work.
At the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify several recent trends, technological issues and parallels related to gambling and social gaming.
- Identify which populations present the greatest risk for harmful consequences related to excessive online behavior.
- Name at least four tools that can be used to help reduce the risk of harmful consequences of electronic games/gambling.About the presenter: Julie Hynes, MA, CPS. Julie has specialized in problem gambling prevention for the last 12 years. She is a problem gambling prevention coordinator with Lane County Public Health (“PreventionLane”) and adjunct faculty with the University of Oregon, specializing in problem gambling coursework. Julhttp://www.nevadacouncil.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=1215&action=edit&message=6ie has been involved in numerous state-level and national publications and leadership roles, policy efforts, work with youth, website development, and is always attentive to the forefront of technology in prevention. In 2012, she was honored with the Wuelfing Prevention Award from the National Council on Problem Gambling for her work in helping advance the field of problem gambling prevention and awareness.
Registration for this event closes 2/4/2015. Click HERE for more info.
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